A Post About Doors

Hey, there! I have been super busy lately, so the blogging has not been as consistent as it once was. The yard has been a bit of a handful this year due to last year’s neglect. Maintaining/rehabbing this old house is a whole lot for one person.

BUT the yard does look better now. I put a little work in almost every day the weather allows. The spring temps have been up and down like crazy.

In door news, I found the absolute perfect door for the breezeway. The current door is an old door that once contained glass. At some point, the glass broke, and a previous resident elected to replace the glass with fence slats. It’s an interesting choice, to say the least.

I’ve been looking for a new door for that space for some time. I knew I wanted a door with a window, and I preferred an old door. One day, I basically drove around the Indy area, visiting a bunch of Habitat Restores and an architectural antique store, looking for a replacement.

The picture below is from the architectural antique store. I’m glad that black door didn’t fit the space or the house front door space, because I would’ve gladly tossed the $1650 at the store people. The windows are red glass, by the way. It might be difficult to see in the picture. Total vampire door.

They had a barn full of doors that were organized by size, which was convenient. However, their prices on the not-as-cool doors were about 2-3X what they should’ve been. Here’s a picture from the door barn.

At my very last Restore of the day, I found THE ONE. It is half an inch too tall and half an inch too narrow, but luckily, I can deal with both of those problems relatively easily.

I paid $45. It has a window. It matches the bathroom door (minus the glass, of course), which I think might be original to the house. It is perfection. Here is a picture of it 100% blocking my blind spot on the way home.

The only issue is that I need to make some decisions when it comes to the kitchen makeover. The cabinets and the trim in the kitchen are white. The door is not.

So I’ll either have to paint this magnificent beast of a door, which goes against the very grain of my soul, especially given that I’ve spent the last year or so restoring the woodwork in other parts of the house.

OR I’ll have to strip all the trim and possibly the cabinets down to the wood to match the door. That will add significant time and effort to the work I have to do in the kitchen.

Sometimes, I feel like I need an adult to make decisions for me.

I haven’t had a lot of time for book working lately, but I’ll get back to it soon. Catch ya on the flip side.


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