A Cat Aflame and Other Shenanigans

Life has been interesting lately. I’m currently between day jobs, and in the meantime, I’ve had a lot of time to work on directing myself toward a data analytics career that I will enjoy significantly more than the previous job. I’ve earned a couple of certifications that should help.

I have one more on statistics that I want to complete within the next week or so.

I don’t miss that 5-day work week grind AT ALL. The time off has been beyond fantastic. Boyfriend was in for a visit last week, and that was fun as always. He will likely move here soon, so that he can be my favorite distraction full-time.

I know this sounds crazy, but I want a job that pays more than the previous one, obviously, but I also don’t have to work the full 40 hours, but I also want benefits like health insurance. Is that even a thing in the US?

I repaired my car again recently, I think for the 2nd time since my divorce? I am very pleased that the skills I picked up when I was young and poor continue to benefit me.

This leaky air intake was the source of the problem.

That was a great success. Less of a success was Ham setting himself on fire…literally.

He somehow managed to turn on the igniter on the burner and set his butt on fire. We heard the clicking from the living room. The boyfriend went to investigate and announced that the cat boy was on fire, but it went out quickly.

I didn’t believe him, of course, until I went to the kitchen and smelled the tantalizing aroma of singed cat hair.

Luckily, except for his pride, Ham wasn’t hurt. He has a thick coat, so only the ends of his hair were singed. No buttholes were damaged. He was highly displeased with the fur situation and ended up dragging his booty on the floor a bit.

Stove knob locks were ordered with haste.

So yes, Ham managed to literally set himself on fire. I love that cat very much, but sometimes, I’m just like why are you like this?

In other news, I scored a thing that childhood me would’ve loved. One of my favorite antique stores is closing, which is very sad. I went to visit it for the last time and found this awesome brass unicorn mirror!

I’ll have to use an anchor for it because despite the fact that it is not large, the thing somehow weighs like ten pounds.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now. I have a couple of flash fiction ideas that I’m kicking around. I might have something in that department in the next week or two.

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