This Week at the Bungalow

Is it Friday already? Man, this week flew by. They go much faster when one is not enmeshed in corporate servitude for 40 hours.

I have been pretty busy, though. Last week, the boyfriend and I installed the new door in the kitchen, and it looks soooo much better. Here’s a picture of the fence slat door, so you can get a peek at what it looked like before.

Beautiful, isn’t it? lol

It’s currently sitting on my deck while I decide what to do with it. I removed the hardware for use on the bathroom door, because I’m not overly fond of the new hardware I previously installed.

Here’s the new door.

I reused the bamboo shade off the old door, because I like it, and it’s in fine shape. I did have to shorten it, which wasn’t difficult.

The roof has developed 3 new leaks, which is super exciting. They aren’t too bad, so it’s not a redline emergency situation. I’m filing a homeowner’s insurance claim next week. We’ll see how that goes. If they won’t give me a new roof, we’re going to patcheroo that thang, and by “we,” I mean an actual roofer. I’ve been up on the low part of the roof, which isn’t bad, but the idea of climbing up on the tall part gives me the anxieties.

In other news, Ham had to have surgery for a blockage in his digestive system a couple of weeks ago, because he ate part of a silicone baby spoon. That was fun and exciting. He is now back to his sweet, hilarious self. Here’s a picture of him at his surgery follow-up appointment.

The vet instructions for aftercare stated that I should keep him in a “small room with no furniture” or a cage. I don’t think they understand the anxiety this cat has when he is confined. He would’ve killed himself trying to get out of wherever I put him.

I had to crate him while we were installing the door. He was in the room with us, and he still freaked the funk out.

I’m still not writing as much as I should be. I might start waking up early to do it, so I have more time. Most of my time is spent looking for a new full-time job and working on the house. These are both excellent activities, but there isn’t any reason for my writing to not fit into the day.

Honestly, I should’ve finished at least 2 books by now, the rough drafts, at least. Oh, well.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Catch ya later, gaterz.


  1. I hope your sweet Ham is okay. Sorry he had to go through that! I’ll bet it was expensive, too. You’re doing such a wonderful job on your house. Yes, life always interferes with writing! Cheers! Sally

    • Thank you! He seems to be doing well. He’s so sweet. I just want him to be okay all the time. And yes, quite expensive. 😩

  2. Vets are weird, I remember after a surgery being told to restrict my cat’s movement, try to keep them him from jumping or climbing. Uh, how exactly?

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