Nearly the Week

Next week is the week! The writing for all five pieces of flash fiction is complete. All I need to do is get some images together and proofread a bit. Sorry for the delay on that.

This round was tough for whatever reason. I think it was the pressure to do so many at once. I’m not sure I’m going to do that again.

The posts for those will commence next Monday.

In other news, the writing of Church of Shadows is progressing slowly, but it’s going well. I got a bit stuck for a moment, trying to figure out how to move the story past a certain point that involves a bit of a pivot, but I managed to do it reasonably well.

I also wanted to provide a quick update on Ham, because I haven’t done it in a while.

He has been his usual, goblin self for some months now. The vet put him on Prozac for a while because the vet said his various urinary troubles might be caused by anxiety.

He is a somewhat anxious creature.

He was on the prozac for about 5 weeks, but he got weird. He started getting withdrawn. I didn’t think it was helping so I took him off of it.

He’s still doing okay at the moment. I might revisit the anti-anxiety stuff in the future if he seems like he’s having a problem. The option is not completely off the table.

Anyway, that’s all I have at the moment. Catch ya laters, taters.

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